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The Duality of Compassion


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Alyssa Divinagracia

Gaming as Future Industry

Bachelor of Science in E-sports is a program that utilizes the impending growth of e-sports industry, its practitioners and audience within the country. The need for it is evident now more than ever. 

On February 20, the development of an e-sports curriculum created by Tier One entertainment in partnership with Lyceum of the Philippines Manila was announced with the purpose to create more opportunities for gamers and graduates capable in working within the e-sports and gaming industry. The program’s ability to cater and exploit two aspects of the e-sports industry that has several most in demand jobs today proves that the need for it is cemented and evident. The program itself emerged as it answers the population groups’ continued practice of e-sports. This further signifies BS E-sports’ relevance and importance today. 

The demand from the population and how e-sports is not just widespread in the Philippines but also in other countries like United States and Europe. Electronic sports or e-sports gained numbers in the revenue and viewership. Based by Newzoo, the leading market intelligence provider for global games, mobile markets and e-sports. The massive growth in the increase of viewers in between 2016 and 2017 paved way to making brands and companies invest in the e-sports marketing. It is seen by the numbers accumulated by those years with over 192 million casual viewers and 143 million enthusiasts which is an 19.3% increase in the gaming industry. In the latest viewership by 2019, Roundhill Investments estimated 252.6 million casual viewers and 201.2 enthusiasts.


The relevance of a program like BS in E-sports caters to the growing gaming development side and is considered to be one of the most in demand jobs today. However, BS in E-sports teaches about management and competitive gaming. A side of the industry that is locally and globally growing and that programs like computer engineering and information technology fail to utilize and practice. This growing industry is not purely gamers or game developers but rather both. The program adapts to this reality and aims to provide skills that are the best in both worlds. Allowing gamers to flourish competitively and train its students the skills necessary in game development. If the curriculum would be approved by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), this may serve as a strong foundation and progression for the gaming industry in the country.

This program takes advantage of the growing opportunities and its multiple aspects in the constant rise of the industry. Its audience and projected practitioners are continuously increasing in the country. It is a relevant and a needed program that emerged from what the society is today.

Auto-Passing Students: Essential or

 Unnecessary amidst COVID-19

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Alyssa Divinagracia

Various Universities gave a passing mark to their students due to the pandemic. This resulted with students calling out to their respective universities to do the same. 

I understand that students don't want to deal with the requirements while going through this crisis. This is a really challenging time. However, I disagree with them wanting to “auto-pass” this semester. There are lessons that we might need for the next school year. I suggest that the university should let this pandemic pass and give the students time to cope then deal with the semester. By automatically passing the students you are fostering them to get what they want without having to work for it. Then later on suffer because they have no idea of what they missed. Not all students are truthful with what they are doing, there are some who make other people do their work for them. 

In one of the articles from rappler, teachers from UP Diliman stated “students may not be able to focus on their academic requirements as they will prioritize their health, well-being, and survival during the pandemic.”

And this is true, not everyone can focus on complying for their requirements while dealing with different kinds of problems.

Having an online class might be helpful to some but trying to finish a requirement while having a mental breakdown is hard. There are also students who went home to their provinces and the only access they have to the internet is from a computer shop which is closed, and if they ever find one it is a risk to their health. 

 This also encourages students to do their school work just to pass their requirements and not necessarily learn. By being physically present you can keep track of the student’s learning and be able to aid their questions without having to worry about low connection. Also, students can easily cheat on an activity or quiz because no one is watching and it is convenient. 

A Bill for Fear

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Aretha Capistrano

The anti- terrorism bill that will strike terror to the citizens of this country. Implementation and acceptance of this restructured notion of paper will add more power and control of the government to the people.

The Senate, approving the Senate Bill No. 1083 with a total poll of 19- 2 and repealing the Human Security Act of 2007. The bill that was said to be a solid and sturdy backbone for the justice system of the country against terrorism is something to be questioned and be doubtful about. In light of the final reading on the 26th of February 2020, the bill already incited negative reaction and protest from the citizens especially to the students who are aware of what underlies in the bill. Casually setting loose of the terms ‘if threaten’, and directly using terminologies that are vague and does not provide any standard of what is or who terrorist are. Upon reading the draft that is publicized, some sections are elusive and blurred when pertaining to the definition of terrorism. Primarily focusing on Section 4 of the bill concerning the constrain of the acts listed. Attacks that cause death or serious injury to any person and cause damage to government or public facility and ‘threat’ to commit any of the listed acts on the 4th section. It also measures the days of a suspected person to be detained without a warrant of arrest for 14 days, extendable to 10 days with a total of 30 days’ surveillance by the military or police. However, the most boggling of it all would be the lack of privacy in the Section 16 where the ‘Anti- Wire Tapping Law’ will not be accepted.

To be clear, Section 16 Surveillance of Suspects and Interception and Recordings of Communications would permit the agent or military personnel to secretly wiretap, overhear, read and listen to with any kinds of electronic or equipment known to science. Furthermore, filing an application of request with the Court of Appeals can make the telecommunication and internet service providers compelled to open the customer information and identification records. From exposing social media platforms, to opening browsers and sites visited.

This enactment and application of bill would further push the citizens that values freedom in speech, media, voicing out opinions and actively taking actions in finding ways for the government to comprehend the needs of the people—be quiet or spark more uncertainty to the people. The desire to understand the bill and how it defines terrorism is blurred, it need to be comprehensive to further explain and aid in eliminating the doubts of the people.

It is important to reassure the people of what is being passed as a bill, and what underlies in it. As it can and will affect the citizens of this country.

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