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Adamson University concludes second semester via online
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Tricia Lorenzana

Students are allowed to qualify and enroll to one or several prerequisite subjects applied only for this semester must to comply for (1) one year. Enrichment classes will be offered to graduating students whose programs require licensure examination. At the same time, non graduating students are advised to attend enrichment classes on selected subjects during the 1st semester of SY 2020-2021.


The faculty members shall notify the students regarding their status of compliance and grade through LMS. Official encoding is set to be announced at a later date. Graduate School and College of Law are given to announce separate advisories by their respective deans. An adjusted assessment will be done in the first week of May 2020 in accordance to the prorated refund credited on students’ tuition for the 2nd semester on selected miscellaneous fees, laboratory usage and tutorial fees and can be accessed through LMS. The payment for 2nd semester for tuition and other fees is deferred until the midyear term or 1st semester of SY 2020-2021. The Office of Vice President for Financial Affairs will include its final decision with regards to the prorated rebates in the additional guidelines.

Above issued by the Administration of Adamson University showed its utmost concern for the well-being of students and its faculty members. The advisory ended with a statement encouraging the Falcon community to continue to soar high and be stronger than before.

The Administration has decided to end the second semester via online following a scheduled calendar of activities April 30, 2020 as the last day of uploading lectures/online activities and assigning of course requirements. The end of the second semester will be on May 16,2020. May 1-24, 2020 is scheduled for compliance of students to submit online requirements. Lastly, Students are to be notified regarding grades and status of compliance by the faculty through LMS on May 25-29, 2020. 

The guidelines which are relevant to the students’ academic credits for the current semester was also included by the Administration which comprise the following: The school must only assign the semestral grades of PASS (P) if the student 

 complied with the course requirements within the period or INC (150) if the student fails to do so. Thesis Defense depending on its type may be defended face to face or paper must be submitted online. Graduating students are given 2 weeks before graduation in partially fulfilling their requirements. The graduation is set tentatively in October 2020.


CHED allows universities to

finish the academic year early

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Vivien Estrada

They may conduct midterm or summer classes for students who have it as part of their degree curriculum and graduating students who are complying with academic requirements, and for the students enrolled at graduate studies. To avoid COVID-19 transmission, physical distancing must be strictly observed on all said activities or events.

The advisory stated that until April 30, the other class activities even the on-the-job trainings (OJT) and internships are subject for adjustments by the university or college to ensure students’ safety against COVID-19.

In spite of the accreditation status, the universities can now decide for the number of adjustments. But they must communicate or inform the commission regional director for the plan implementations and academic calendar adjustments.

Conducting in-person graduation rites, baccalaureate masses are postponed and temporarily prohibited by CHED because of social distancing implementation and mass gathering restrictions. Ceremonies would be resumed once our country is now free from the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19.

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