By: Aldohn Domingo
Adamson University’s proposed tuition fee increase is one of the highest among universities.
Scholarships could be the only form of solution to this, however, the recent change of guidelines has only made it harder for students.
On January 30, 2020, The Academic Scholars Alliance of Adamson University decided to change the guidelines to qualify for a scholarship. Changing the required 1.50
1.69 GWA into 1.25 – 1.49 to qualify for the lowest discount with no grade lower than 1.75 while completely dropping the 75% discount it had before.
Including in its change of guidelines are the discounts’ coverage. Before, the discount only fell under lec/lab units. In its new guidelines, the discount now covers the entirety of the fees.
Though the new guidelines have its merits, its time of implementation is problematic for the students. A proposed 8% tuition fee increase recently came into light. With this development. Students are put in a financially challenging situation, in need of all the help they can get.
This greatly shows the need for financial assistance. But the new guidelines create a situation opposite from it, with its higher required GWA and even less discounts. These new guidelines help but mostly, it only hurts Adamsonians.
Students need scholarships now the most wherein access to quality education is made harder. Even if it now covers the whole tuition fee, if one cannot even qualify for it then what is the use.
Deserving students with the new guidelines are given a slighter chance of making the cut and an even slighter chance when the proposed tuition fee increase is passed. These changes have undoubtedly made help less attainable to Adamsonians.