By: Nicole Linatoc
Mass testing is a progressive solution in containing the spread of COVID-19. As days pass by the number of infected people increases. New discoveries are found every day. The total confirmed cases with the virus in the Philippines is in the range of 7,000 according to DOH. This is a big help because we are able to think of ways on how to slow down or to confirmed cases social distancing, proper hygiene and wearing protective masks or gear. Studies and recent cases suggest people with underdeveloped and weak immune systems, especially those with underlying illnesses are much susceptible to the newly infectious disease.
Front liners are directed to focus on patients with severe cases and symptoms. This results in failing to give adequate focus for testing patients showing light symptoms or mass testing.
Even if they extend ECQ until next year, it wouldn’t be effective without mass testing and a competent government.
Lockdown affects countries and millions of citizens. Due to quarantine, the national and global economy is at decline. It is not safe to go to work or to go outside due to lockdown measures.
Unless mass testing will be implemented and have the results before lifting the lockdown. Staying at home without combative timelines and mass testing will just give a false illusion of hope to the public.